Apexification and Apexogenesis

Apexification and apexogenesis are two endodontic procedures used to treat immature permanent teeth with damaged or infected pulps. Apexification involves the use of a special material, such as calcium hydroxide or mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), to stimulate the formation of a hard barrier at the root tip, or apex, of the tooth. This barrier prevents further infection and encourages the growth of new, healthy tissue within the root canal. Apexification is often recommended for teeth that have not fully developed, as it can help promote proper root growth and avoid the need for more invasive treatment in the future.

Apexogenesis, on the other hand, aims to encourage the continued growth and development of the pulp tissue within the tooth. This procedure involves removing the infected or damaged pulp, and then placing a medicament or other material at the base of the root canal to promote healing and encourage the pulp to continue growing. Apexogenesis is often recommended for younger patients with immature teeth, as it can help preserve the natural tooth structure and avoid the need for more invasive treatment. Both apexification and apexogenesis are specialized endodontic procedures that require the expertise of a skilled dentist or endodontist.